Wednesday, May 12

Tom Ford's interpretation of A Single Man (movie)

I mentioned previously that I would read the novel and that I'm watching the movie: A Single Man (2009). It took me two days to finish it and I can't say I paid too much attention to all the silent action in the first half as I was sort of cleaning while watching (the solution to all multi-taskers who can't focus on one task: watch something while doing chores like folding laundry). The movie was not bad, it was well-directed, based on a good novel (by Christopher Isherwood), excellent actors (Colin Firth <3), only I think a lot of the novel doesn't translate well on screen. Mostly because the novel is written in first and third person, where there's a sense of isolation of the "character" or "role" that we play in our day to day lives (i.e. at work) and the "person" (who I am). So in the novel there's a clear distinction in voice between George the original, and George the character and that's what makes is so interesting. The movie has that, but it seems more normal in the movie, like he's just another person who refers to himself in the third person ("Angela did this. Angela's sad!").

I do pay attention to men's fashion as well, but as you're not that interested (based on the lack of feedback I've received on the issue whenever brought up) I'm only going to mention Charlotte's "look" in the movie (played by Julianne Moore):

Her make up was stunning! And she did spend quite some time on just this one eye so no wonder and now I'm thinking, can I replicate this? Should I?

I loved her dress! And I'm sorry I couldn't get a better shot of it, but it was just so elegant and flattering (only if it weren't so "airy" she would've looked thinner, if it had been more figure hugging).

Overall I'd say this movie is worth watching, but I would rate it 3/5 because the story was a little tedious and the messages aren't as clear as in the novel.  Someone who hasn't sat through a lit class but has seen the movie should let me know their thoughts :D!

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